Trace Mode

Trace mode is used to collect program information using the Melon library. The general process is as follows:

  1. Use the specified function to set the tracepoint in the program
  2. Enable the trace mode configuration, and set the path of the Melang script file that receives the tracepoint information
  3. Call the pipe function in the Melang script to receive the information from the trace function

Melon provides a Melang script example for processing trace information, which is located in trace/trace.m in the source code directory.

Unlike ebpf, trace mode in Melon is designed to collect application-related information, that is, (business or functional) information specified by developers. ebpf can collect a large amount of program and kernel information, but it cannot collect business information. Therefore, the trace mode is to complement this part.

For Melang and its supporting library, please refer to Melang Warehouse.


  1. trace_mode in the configuration will only be valid when the framework mode is turned on (framework is "multiprocess" or "multithread").
  2. If you are in non-framework mode, or trace_mode is not enabled in the configuration, but you still want to use this function, you can initialize it by calling mln_trace_init.
  3. In this mode, the system has a certain performance loss, so try not to enable this mode in a production environment. If it must be enabled, you can use a separate thread to run scripts to collect data, which can effectively reduce the performance loss of worker threads.

Header file

#include "mln_trace.h"





mln_trace(fmt, ...);

//in msvc, the prototype will be
mln_trace(ret, fmt, ...);

Description: Send some data to the specified processing script. The parameters here are exactly the same as fmt and its variable parameters of the mln_lang_ctx_pipe_send function (see this chapter for details), Because the inside of this macro is to call the function to complete the message delivery. In MSVC, the return value will be assigned to the parameter ret.

return value:

  • 0 - on success
  • -1 - on failure


 mln_string_t *mln_trace_path(void);

Description: Returns the trace script path set by the trace_mode configuration item in the configuration.

return value:

  • NULL - if the configuration does not exist or the parameter of the configuration item is off
  • the file path of the trace script


int mln_trace_init(mln_event_t *ev, mln_string_t *path);

Description: Initialize the global trace module.

  • ev is the event structure that the trace script depends on
  • path is the file path of the trace script

If the tracing script is successfully initialized in the main process, a global MASTER variable will be added to it with a value of true.

return value:

  • 0 - on success
  • -1 - on failure


mln_lang_ctx_t *mln_trace_task_get(void);

Description: Get the script task object used to get trace information in the global trace module.

return value:

  • NULL - the tracking module has not been initialized or the script task has exited
  • script task object


void mln_trace_finalize(void);

Description: Destroy all trace structures and reset the global pointer.

return value: none


void mln_trace_init_callback_set(mln_trace_init_cb_t cb);
typedef int (*mln_trace_init_cb_t)(mln_lang_ctx_t *ctx);

Description: This function is used to set the initialization callback of the tracing script, which will be called in mln_trace_init.

return value: none


int mln_trace_recv_handler_set(mln_lang_ctx_pipe_recv_cb_t recv_handler);
typedef int (*mln_lang_ctx_pipe_recv_cb_t)(mln_lang_ctx_t *, mln_lang_val_t *);

Description: This function is used to set the processing function of the data passed to the C layer by the Pipe function in the trace script.

Return value: returns 0 on success, otherwise returns -1


After installing Melon, we proceed as follows:

  1. Enable trace mode configuration, edit conf/melon.conf under the installation path, set framework to multiprocess, and delete the comment (//) before trace_mode. In this example worker_proc is set to 1.

    If you want to disable the trace mode, you only need to comment the configuration or change the configuration item to trace_mode off;.

  2. Create a new file named a.c

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include "mln_log.h"
    #include "mln_framework.h"
    #include "mln_trace.h"
    #include "mln_conf.h"
    static void timeout_handler(mln_event_t *ev, void *data)
        mln_trace("sir", "Hello", getpid(), 3.1);
        mln_event_timer_set(ev, 1000, NULL, timeout_handler);
    static int recv_handler(mln_lang_ctx_t *ctx, mln_lang_val_t *val)
        mln_log(debug, "%d\n", val->data.i);
        return 0;
    static void worker_process(mln_event_t *ev)
        mln_event_timer_set(ev, 1000, NULL, timeout_handler);
        mln_log(debug, "%d\n", mln_trace_recv_handler_set(recv_handler));
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        struct mln_framework_attr cattr;
        cattr.argc = argc;
        cattr.argv = argv;
        cattr.global_init = NULL;
        cattr.main_thread = NULL;
        cattr.master_process = NULL;
        cattr.worker_process = worker_process;
        if (mln_framework_init(&cattr) < 0) {
           fprintf(stderr, "Melon init failed.\n");
           return -1;
        return 0;
  1. Compile the a.c file, and then execute the generated executable program, you can see the following output

    Start up worker process No.1
    02/02/2023 07:08:54 UTC DEBUG: a.c:worker_process:22: PID:58451 0
    master process
    worker process
    [Hello, 58451, 3.100000, ]
    02/02/2023 07:08:56 UTC DEBUG: a.c:recv_handler:15: PID:58451 1
    [Hello, 58451, 3.100000, ]
    02/02/2023 07:08:57 UTC DEBUG: a.c:recv_handler:15: PID:58451 1
    [Hello, 58451, 3.100000, ]
    02/02/2023 07:08:58 UTC DEBUG: a.c:recv_handler:15: PID:58451 1

results matching ""

    No results matching ""