

多线程框架与前面介绍的线程池不同,是一种模块化线程。模块化线程是指,每一个线程都是一个独立的代码模块,都有各自对应的入口函数(类似于每一个 C 语言程序有一个 main 函数一样)。



  1. 首先,编写一个源文件:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <assert.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <errno.h>
    #include "mln_framework.h"
    #include "mln_log.h"
    #include "mln_thread.h"
    static int haha(int argc, char **argv)
        int fd = atoi(argv[argc-1]);
        mln_thread_msg_t msg;
        int nfds;
        fd_set rdset;
        for (;;) {
            FD_SET(fd, &rdset);
            nfds = select(fd+1, &rdset, NULL, NULL, NULL);
            if (nfds < 0) {
                if (errno == EINTR) continue;
                mln_log(error, "select error. %s\n", strerror(errno));
                return -1;
            memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
            int n = recv(fd, &msg, sizeof(msg), 0);
            if (n != sizeof(msg)) {
                mln_log(debug, "recv error. n=%d. %s\n", n, strerror(errno));
                return -1;
            mln_log(debug, "!!!src:%S auto:%l char:%c\n", msg.src, msg.sauto, msg.c);
        return 0;
    static void hello_cleanup(void *data)
        mln_log(debug, "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\n");
    static int hello(int argc, char **argv)
        mln_thread_cleanup_set(hello_cleanup, NULL);
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < 1; ++i)  {
            int fd = atoi(argv[argc-1]);
            mln_thread_msg_t msg;
            memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
            msg.dest = mln_string_new("haha");
            msg.sauto = 9736;
            msg.c = 'N';
            msg.type = ITC_REQUEST;
            msg.need_clear = 1;
            int n = send(fd, &msg, sizeof(msg), 0);
            if (n != sizeof(msg)) {
                mln_log(debug, "send error. n=%d. %s\n", n, strerror(errno));
                return -1;
        return 0;
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        mln_thread_module_t modules[] = {
          {"haha", haha},
          {"hello", hello},
        struct mln_framework_attr cattr;
        cattr.argc = argc;
        cattr.argv = argv;
        cattr.global_init = NULL;
        cattr.main_thread = NULL;
        cattr.worker_process = NULL;
        cattr.master_process = NULL;
        mln_thread_module_set(modules, 2);
        if (mln_framework_init(&cattr) < 0) {
           fprintf(stderr, "Melon init failed.\n");
           return -1;
        return 0;


    • 在main中,我们使用mln_thread_module_set函数将每个线程模块的入口与线程模块名映射关系加载到Melon库中。
    • mln_framework_init会根据下面步骤中对配置文件的设置来自动初始化子线程,并进入线程开始运行。
    • 可以看到,两个线程模块之间是可以通信的,通信的方式是使用最后一个参数(argv的最后一个),来向主线程发送消息,消息中包含了目的线程的名字。这里注意,argv是在后面步骤中在配置文件中给出的,但是最后一个参数是程序自动在配置项后增加的一个参数,为主子线程间的通信套接字文件描述符。
    • 在 hello 这个模块中,调用了mln_thread_cleanup_set函数,这个函数的作用是:在从当前线程模块的入口函数返回至上层函数后,将会被调用,用于清理自定义资源。每一个线程模块的清理函数只能被设置一个,多次设置会被覆盖,清理函数是线程独立的,因此不会出现覆盖其他线程处理函数的情况(当然,你也可以故意这样来构造,比如传一个处理函数指针给别的模块,然后那个模块再进行设置)。
  1. 对该文件进行编译:

    $ cc -o test test.c -I /path/to/melon/include -L /path/to/melon/lib -lmelon -lpthread
  2. 修改配置文件

    log_level "none";
    //user "root";
    daemon off;
    core_file_size "unlimited";
    //max_nofile 1024;
    worker_proc 1;
    framework "multithread";
    log_path "/home/niklaus/melon/logs/melon.log";
     * Configurations in the 'proc_exec' are the
     * processes which are customized by user.
     * Here is an example to show you how to
     * spawn a program.
     *     keepalive "/tmp/a.out" ["arg1" "arg2" ...]
     * The command in this example is 'keepalive' that
     * indicate master process to supervise this
     * process. If process is killed, master process
     * would restart this program.
     * If you don't want master to restart it, you can
     *     default "/tmp/a.out" ["arg1" "arg2" ...]
     * But you should know that there is another
     * arugment after the last argument you write here.
     * That is the file descriptor which is used to
     * communicate with master process.
    proc_exec {
       // keepalive "/tmp/a";
    thread_exec {
        restart "hello" "hello" "world";
        default "haha";


    以 hello 为例:

    restart "hello" "hello" "world";


  3. 运行程序

    $ ./test
    Start up worker process No.1
    Start thread 'hello'
    Start thread 'haha'
    04/14/2022 14:50:16 UTC DEBUG: a.c:haha:34: PID:552165 !!!src:hello auto:9736 char:N
    04/14/2022 14:50:16 UTC DEBUG: a.c:hello_cleanup:42: PID:552165 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
    04/14/2022 14:50:16 UTC REPORT: PID:552165 Thread 'hello' return 0.
    04/14/2022 14:50:16 UTC REPORT: PID:552165 Child thread 'hello' exit.
    04/14/2022 14:50:16 UTC REPORT: PID:552165 child thread pthread_join's exit code: 0
    04/14/2022 14:50:16 UTC DEBUG: a.c:haha:34: PID:552165 !!!src:hello auto:9736 char:N
    04/14/2022 14:50:16 UTC DEBUG: a.c:hello_cleanup:42: PID:552165 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
    04/14/2022 14:50:16 UTC REPORT: PID:552165 Thread 'hello' return 0.
    04/14/2022 14:50:16 UTC REPORT: PID:552165 Child thread 'hello' exit.
    04/14/2022 14:50:16 UTC REPORT: PID:552165 child thread pthread_join's exit code: 0
    04/14/2022 14:50:16 UTC DEBUG: a.c:haha:34: PID:552165 !!!src:hello auto:9736 char:N
    04/14/2022 14:50:17 UTC DEBUG: a.c:hello_cleanup:42: PID:552165 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
    04/14/2022 14:50:17 UTC REPORT: PID:552165 Thread 'hello' return 0.
    04/14/2022 14:50:17 UTC REPORT: PID:552165 Child thread 'hello' exit.
    04/14/2022 14:50:17 UTC REPORT: PID:552165 child thread pthread_join's exit code: 0

    可以看到,事实上 Melon 中会启动工作进程来拉起其子线程,而工作进程数量由worker_proc配置项控制,如果多于一个,则每个工作进程都会拉起一组haha和hello线程。此外,我们也看到,hello线程退出后,清理函数被调用。




#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "mln_framework.h"
#include "mln_log.h"
#include "mln_thread.h"
#include <unistd.h>

int sw = 0;
char name[] = "hello";
static void main_thread(mln_event_t *ev);

static int hello(int argc, char *argv[])
    while (1) {
        printf("%d: Hello\n", getpid());
    return 0;

static void timer_handler(mln_event_t *ev, void *data)
    if (sw) {
        mln_string_t alias = mln_string("hello");
        sw = !sw;
        mln_event_timer_set(ev, 1000, NULL, timer_handler);
    } else {

static void main_thread(mln_event_t *ev)
    char **argv = (char **)calloc(3, sizeof(char *));
    if (argv != NULL) {
        argv[0] = name;
        argv[1] = NULL;
        argv[2] = NULL;
        mln_thread_create(ev, "hello", THREAD_DEFAULT, hello, 1, argv);
        sw = !sw;
        mln_event_timer_set(ev, 1000, NULL, timer_handler);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct mln_framework_attr cattr;

    cattr.argc = argc;
    cattr.argv = argv;
    cattr.global_init = NULL;
    cattr.main_thread = main_thread;
    cattr.worker_process = NULL;
    cattr.master_process = NULL;

    if (mln_framework_init(&cattr) < 0) {
       fprintf(stderr, "Melon init failed.\n");
       return -1;

    return 0;






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