Memory Pool

In Melon, memory pools are divided into two categories:

  • heap memory
  • Shared memory

Among them, the shared memory memory pool only allows data to be shared between the main and child processes (also shared between sibling processes). That is, when used, the shared memory memory pool is created by the main process, and then the child process is created.

Header file

#include "mln_alloc.h"





mln_alloc_t *mln_alloc_init(mln_alloc_t *parent, mln_size_t capacity);

Description: Create a heap memory memory pool. The parameter parent is a memory pool instance. When the parameter is NULL, the memory pool created by this function will allocate memory from the heap. If it is not NULL, it will allocate memory from the pool where parent is located. That is, the pool structure can be cascaded. capacity is used to limit the memory pool's capacity. When its value is 0, it indicates that the memory pool capacity is unlimited, meaning it follows the system's available memory capacity.

Return value: If successful, return the memory pool structure pointer, otherwise return NULL


mln_alloc_t *mln_alloc_shm_init(mln_size_t capacity, void *locker, mln_alloc_shm_lock_cb_t lock, mln_alloc_shm_lock_cb_t unlock);

Description: Create a shared memory memory pool.


  • capacity The pool size (in bytes) needs to be given when creating this pool. Once created, it cannot be expanded later.
  • locker is the lock resource pointer.
  • lock is a callback function used to lock the lock resource. The function parameter is the lock resource pointer. If the lock fails, a non-0 value is returned.
  • unlock is a callback function used to unlock the lock resource. The function parameter is the lock resource pointer. If unlocking fails, a non-0 value is returned.
typedef int (*mln_alloc_shm_lock_cb_t)(void *);

lock and unlock are only used when functions in the subpool are called. Therefore, if you directly operate on the shared memory pool, you need to unlock it externally. The allocation and release functions that act on the shared memory pool will not call this callback.

Return value: Returns the memory pool structure pointer if successful, otherwise returns NULL


void mln_alloc_destroy(mln_alloc_t *pool);

Description: Destroy the memory pool. The destroy operation will release all the memory managed in the memory pool uniformly.

Return value: none


void *mln_alloc_m(mln_alloc_t *pool, mln_size_t size);

Description: Allocate a memory of size size from the memory pool pool. If the memory pool is a shared memory memory pool, it will be allocated from shared memory, otherwise it will be allocated from heap memory.

Return value: If successful, return the memory start address, otherwise return NULL


void *mln_alloc_c(mln_alloc_t *pool, mln_size_t size);

Description: Allocate a memory of size size from the memory pool pool, and the memory will be zeroed.

Return value: If successful, return the memory start address, otherwise return NULL


void *mln_alloc_re(mln_alloc_t *pool, void *ptr, mln_size_t size);

Description: Allocate a size of size from the memory pool pool, and copy the data in the memory pointed to by ptr to the new memory.

ptr must be the starting address of memory allocated for the memory pool. If size is 0, the memory pointed to by ptr will be freed.

Return value: If successful, return the memory start address, otherwise return NULL


void mln_alloc_free(void *ptr);

Description: Free the memory pointed to by ptr. Note: ptr must be the address returned by the allocation function, not a location in the allocated memory.

Return value: none


mln_size_t mln_alloc_available_capacity(mln_alloc_t *pool);

Description: Retrieve the current available capacity of the memory pool (if a capacity limit is set for the memory pool).

Note: For heap memory pools, when calling mln_alloc_m, several memory blocks similar in size to the requested allocation may be pre-allocated. In such cases, the value returned by this function does not include the memory size of these pre-allocated but unused blocks.

Return Values:

Heap Memory: If the second parameter (capacity) in mln_alloc_init is not 0, the function returns the current available memory size of the memory pool (refer to the note above for details). If it is 0, the function returns M_ALLOC_INFINITE_SIZE. Shared Memory: Returns the total size of all available memory regions in bytes.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "mln_alloc.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    char *p;
    mln_alloc_t *pool;

    pool = mln_alloc_init(NULL);
    if (pool == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pool init failed\n");
        return -1;

    p = (char *)mln_alloc_m(pool, 6);
    if (p == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "alloc failed\n");
        return -1;

    memcpy(p, "hello", 5);
    p[5] = 0;
    printf("%s\n", p);


    return 0;

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