




#include <stdio.h>
#include "mln_framework.h"
#include "mln_log.h"
#include "mln_event.h"

char text[1024];

static int global_init(void);
static void worker_process(mln_event_t *ev);
static void print_handler(mln_event_t *ev, void *data);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct mln_framework_attr cattr;
    cattr.argc = argc;
    cattr.argv = argv;
    cattr.global_init = global_init;
    cattr.main_thread = NULL;
    cattr.master_process = NULL;
    cattr.worker_process = worker_process;
    return mln_framework_init(&cattr);

static int global_init(void)
    //global variable init function
    int n = snprintf(text, sizeof(text)-1, "hello world\n");
    text[n] = 0;
    return 0;

static void worker_process(mln_event_t *ev)
    //we can set event handler here
    //let's set a timer
    mln_event_timer_set(ev, 1000, text, print_handler);

static void print_handler(mln_event_t *ev, void *data)
    mln_log(debug, "%s\n", (char *)data);
    mln_event_timer_set(ev, 1000, data, print_handler);

这段代码主要是初始化了一个全局变量,然后给每一个子进程创建了一个定时事件,即每一秒中输出一个 hello world 。


$ gcc -o hello hello.c -I /usr/local/melon/include/ -L /usr/local/melon/lib/ -lmelon

然后,我们需要先修改 Melon 库的配置文件:

$ sudo vim /usr/local/melon/conf/melon.conf

log_level "none";
//user "root";
daemon off;
core_file_size "unlimited";
//max_nofile 1024;
worker_proc 1;
framework off;
log_path "/usr/local/melon/logs/melon.log";
 * Configurations in the 'proc_exec' are the
 * processes which are customized by user.
 * Here is an example to show you how to
 * spawn a program.
 *     keepalive "/tmp/a.out" ["arg1" "arg2" ...]
 * The command in this example is 'keepalive' that
 * indicate master process to supervise this
 * process. If process is killed, master process
 * would restart this program.
 * If you don't want master to restart it, you can
 *     default "/tmp/a.out" ["arg1" "arg2" ...]
 * But you should know that there is another
 * arugment after the last argument you write here.
 * That is the file descriptor which is used to
 * communicate with master process.
proc_exec {
   // keepalive "/tmp/a";
thread_exec {
//    restart "hello" "hello" "world";
//    default "haha";


  • framework off; --> framework "multiprocess";
  • worker_proc 1; --> worker_proc 3;



$ ./hello
Start up worker process No.1
Start up worker process No.2
Start up worker process No.3
02/08/2021 09:34:46 UTC DEBUG: hello.c:print_handler:39: PID:25322 hello world

02/08/2021 09:34:46 UTC DEBUG: hello.c:print_handler:39: PID:25323 hello world

02/08/2021 09:34:46 UTC DEBUG: hello.c:print_handler:39: PID:25324 hello world

02/08/2021 09:34:47 UTC DEBUG: hello.c:print_handler:39: PID:25322 hello world

02/08/2021 09:34:47 UTC DEBUG: hello.c:print_handler:39: PID:25323 hello world

02/08/2021 09:34:47 UTC DEBUG: hello.c:print_handler:39: PID:25324 hello world


这时,可以ps看一下,一共存在四个 hello 进程,一个为主,其余三个为子进程。


results matching ""

    No results matching ""