Header file

#include "mln_md5.h"





void mln_md5_init(mln_md5_t *m);

Description: Initialize the mln_md5_t structure m.

Return value: none


mln_md5_t *mln_md5_new(void);

Description: Create and initialize the mln_md5_t structure allocated by malloc.

Return value: return mln_md5_t structure pointer if successful, otherwise return NULL


mln_md5_t *mln_md5_pool_new(mln_alloc_t *pool);

Description: Create and initialize the mln_md5_t structure allocated from the memory pool specified by pool.

Return value: return mln_md5_t structure pointer if successful, otherwise return NULL


void mln_md5_free(mln_md5_t *m);

Description: Free the memory of the mln_md5_t structure m, which should be created by mln_md5_new.

Return value: none


void mln_md5_pool_free(mln_md5_t *m);

Description: Free the memory of the mln_md5_t structure m, which should be created by mln_md5_pool_new.

Return value: none


void mln_md5_calc(mln_md5_t *m, mln_u8ptr_t input, mln_uauto_t len, mln_u32_t is_last);

Description: Calculates the md5 value. This function can be called multiple times to generate an MD5 value. in:

  • m is initialized from the above function
  • input data to be MD5 calculated
  • len length of input
  • Whether is_last was the last call. Since an MD5 value can be calculated multiple times for a large data, this parameter is used to indicate whether it is the last batch of data.

The calculated MD5 is stored in m.

Return value: none


void mln_md5_tobytes(mln_md5_t *m, mln_u8ptr_t buf, mln_u32_t len);

Description: Write the calculated MD5 value in binary form to the memory area specified by buf and len.

Return value: none


void mln_md5_tostring(mln_md5_t *m, mln_s8ptr_t buf, mln_u32_t len);

Description: Write the calculated MD5 value as a string to the memory area specified by buf and len.

Return value: none


void mln_md5_dump(mln_md5_t *m);

Description: Print MD5 related information to standard output.

Return value: none


#include <stdio.h>
#include "mln_md5.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    mln_md5_t m;
    char text[] = "Hello";
    char output[33] = {0};//The MD5 calculation result is a total of 16 bytes, and the string output is twice as binary, so it is 32 bytes, and one more byte is used for \0

    mln_md5_calc(&m, (mln_u8ptr_t)text, sizeof(text)-1, 1);
    mln_md5_tostring(&m, output, sizeof(output));
    printf("%s\n", output);

    return 0;

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    No results matching ""