
Header file

#include "mln_stack.h"





mln_stack_t *mln_stack_init(stack_free free_handler, stack_copy copy_handler);

typedef void (*stack_free)(void *);
typedef void *(*stack_copy)(void *, void *);


Initialize the stack structure.

free_handler: It is the release function of the data on the stack. Since the data on the stack may be a custom data structure, if you need to release it, you can set it, otherwise set it to NULL.

copy_handler: Copy stack node data.

The parameter of stack_free is the data structure pointer of user-defined data.

The parameters of stack_copy are: the data structure pointer of the copied stack node data and the second parameter of the mln_stack_dup function (ie user-defined data), this callback function is only called in the mln_stack_dup function.

Return value: return stack pointer on success, otherwise NULL


void mln_stack_destroy(mln_stack_t *st);

Description: Destroy the stack structure and release the data resources in the stack node.

Return value: none


int mln_stack_push(mln_stack_t *st, void *data);

Description: Push data data onto stack st.

Return value: return 0 on success, otherwise return -1


void *mln_stack_pop(mln_stack_t *st);

Description: Pop the top element data of stack st.

Return value: NULL if there is no element in the stack, otherwise it is the data pointer in the stack node



Description: Check if the stack is empty.

Return value: null is non-0, otherwise 0



Description: Get the top element data of the stack.

Return value: Returns NULL if stack st is empty, otherwise it is the data pointer in the top node of the stack


mln_stack_t *mln_stack_dup(mln_stack_t *st, void *udata);

Description: Completely duplicate stack st. udata provides additional data for the user.

Return value: if successful, return the new stack pointer, otherwise return NULL


int mln_stack_iterate(mln_stack_t *st, stack_iterate_handler handler, void *data);

typedef int (*stack_iterate_handler)(void *, void *);


Traverse the data of each element in the stack st from the top of the stack to the bottom of the stack. handler is the data access function, data is additional user data when traversing.

stack_iterate_handler has two parameters: the data pointer in the stack node and the data parameter.

return value:

  • mln_stack_iterate: return 0 after all traversal, otherwise return -1
  • stack_iterate_handler: If you want to interrupt the traversal, return the value of less than 0, otherwise the return value of greater than or equal to 0


#include "mln_stack.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>

typedef struct {
    void *data1;
    void *data2;
} data_t;

static void *copy(data_t *d, void *data)
    data_t *dup;
    assert((dup = (data_t *)malloc(sizeof(data_t))) != NULL);
    *dup = *d;
    return dup;

int main(void)
    int i;
    data_t *d;
    mln_stack_t *st1, *st2;

    assert((st1 = mln_stack_init((stack_free)free, (stack_copy)copy)) != NULL);

    for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
        assert((d = (data_t *)malloc(sizeof(data_t))) != NULL);
        assert(mln_stack_push(st1, d) == 0);

    assert((st2 = mln_stack_dup(st1, NULL)) != NULL);

    assert((d = mln_stack_pop(st1)) != NULL);


    return 0;

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