Header file

#include "mln_json.h"






Description: Initialize JSON type node j, the node type is NONE.

Return value: None


mln_json_string_init(j, s)

Description: Initialize JSON type node j to string type and assign value s of type mln_string_t *. s will be taken over by the JSON structure. The caller needs to ensure the memory life cycle of s and cannot modify the content of s.

Return value: None


mln_json_number_init(j, n)

Description: Initialize the JSON type node j to a numeric type and assign a value n of type double.

Return value: None



Description: Initialize JSON type node j to type true.

Return value: None



Description: Initialize the JSON type node j to the false type.

Return value: None



Description: Initialize JSON type node j to null type.

Return value: None


int mln_json_obj_init(mln_json_t *j);

Description: Initialize JSON type node j to object type.

Return value:

  • 0 - on success
  • -1 - on failure


int mln_json_array_init(mln_json_t *j);

Description: Initialize JSON type node j to array type.

Return value:

  • 0 - on success
  • -1 - on failure


int mln_json_decode(mln_string_t *jstr, mln_json_t *out);

Description: Parse the JSON string jstr into a data structure, and the result will be put into the parameter out.

Return value:

  • 0 - on success
  • -1 - on failure


void mln_json_destroy(mln_json_t *j;

Description: Release the j node memory of type mln_json_t.

Return value: None


void mln_json_dump(mln_json_t *j, int n_space, char *prefix);

Description: Output the details of json node j to standard output. n_space represents the current number of indented spaces, and prefix is the prefix of the output content.

Return value: None


mln_string_t *mln_json_encode(mln_json_t *j);

Description: Generate a JSON string from the mln_json_t node structure. The return value needs to be released by calling mln_string_free after use.

Return value: mln_string_t string pointer is returned successfully, otherwise NULL is returned


mln_json_t *mln_json_obj_search(mln_json_t *j, mln_string_t *key);

Description: Search the value content with key key from object type node j.

Return value: If successful, return a value of type mln_json_t, otherwise return NULL


mln_json_t *mln_json_array_search(mln_json_t *j, mln_uauto_t index);

Description: Search the element content with subscript index from array type node j.

Return value: If successful, an element node of type mln_json_t is returned, otherwise NULL is returned.


mln_uauto_t mln_json_array_length(mln_json_t *j);

Description: Get the length of the array. At this time j must be of array type.

Return value: array length


int mln_json_obj_update(mln_json_t *j, mln_json_t *key, mln_json_t *val);

Description: Add the key and val pairs to the j JSON node. At this time, j needs to be an object type. If key already exists, the original key and value will be replaced by the new parameters. Therefore the parameters key and val will be taken over by j after the call.

Return value: Returns 0 on success, otherwise returns -1


int mln_json_array_append(mln_json_t *j, mln_json_t *value);

Description: Add value to the JSON structure j of array type.

Return value: Returns 0 on success, otherwise returns -1


int mln_json_array_update(mln_json_t *j, mln_json_t *value, mln_uauto_t index);

Description: Update value to the position where the index is index of the array type JSON structure j. If the subscript does not exist, it will fail.

Return value: Returns 0 on success, otherwise returns -1


void mln_json_reset(mln_json_t *j);

Description: Reset the JSON node j data structure and release its original data.

Return value: None


void mln_json_obj_remove(mln_json_t *j, mln_string_t *key);

Description: Delete and release the key-value pair with key value key from the JSON structure j of the object type.

Return value: If it exists, return the JSON node corresponding to the value part, otherwise return NULL


void mln_json_array_remove(mln_json_t *j, mln_uauto_t index);

Description: Delete and release the element with index index from the array type JSON node.

Return value: Returns the element pointer if it exists, otherwise returns NULL



Description: Determine the json type of the mln_json_t structure, which are: object, array, string, number, Boolean true, Boolean false, NULL, and no type.

Return value: Returns non-0 if the conditions are met, otherwise returns 0



Description: Set the type for the json node of type mln_json_t, in order: no type, object, array, string, number, Boolean true, Boolean false, NULL.

Return value: None



Description: Get the data part of the corresponding type in the json node of type mln_json_t. The types are: object, array, string, number, Boolean true, Boolean false, and NULL.

Return value:

  • The object type is mln_hash_t type pointer
  • The array type is mln_rbtree_t type pointer
  • The string type is mln_string_t type pointer
  • The number type is a double type value
  • Boolean true for mln_u8_t type value
  • Boolean false for mln_u8_t type value
  • NULL type is a NULL value of type mln_u8ptr_t


int mln_json_parse(mln_json_t *j, mln_string_t *exp, mln_json_iterator_t iterator, void *data)

typedef int (*mln_json_iterator_t)(mln_json_t *, void *);


From the JSON managed by the j node, obtain the matching mln_json_t child node according to exp. If there is a matching child node, the iterator callback function will be called for processing. data is User-defined data is passed in when iterator is called.

Suppose we have the following JSON:

  "a": [1, {
    "c": 3
  "b": 2

The content of exp is as follows:

Content Meaning
a Get the value with key a (each value is saved in the mln_json_t structure)
b Get the value with key b
a.0 Get the key a, and its value should be an array, and then get the 0th subscript element of the array
a.2.c Get the array corresponding to the value with key a, then get the array element with subscript 2, which should be an object, and finally get the value with key c of the element object. This expression will cause mln_json_parse in this case returns -1 because the array element with index 2 does not exist

Return value:

  • 0 - on success
  • -1 - on failure


int mln_json_generate(mln_json_t *j, char *fmt, ...);


According to the format given by fmt, fill the subsequent arguments into j.

fmt supports the following format characters:

  • {} - Indicates that what is inside the curly brackets is an object type. The key and value of the object are separated by :, and each group of key-value is separated by ,.
  • [] - Indicates that what is in the square brackets is an array type, and each array element is separated by ,.
  • j - Indicates that the variable parameter part is passed in a mln_json_t pointer.
  • d - Indicates that the variable parameter part is passed in a 32-bit signed value, such as int or mln_s32_t.
  • D - Indicates that the variable parameter part is passed in a 64-bit signed value, such as long long or mln_s64_t.
  • u - Indicates that the variable parameter part is passed in a 32-bit unsigned value, such as unsigned int or mln_u32_t.
  • U - Indicates that the variable parameter part is passed in a 64-bit unsigned value, such as unsigned long long or mln_u64_t.
  • F - Indicates that the variable parameter part is passed in a value of type double.
  • t - Indicates that a true is filled in at this position. This placeholder does not need to pass in the corresponding variable parameters.
  • f - Indicates that a false is filled in at this position. This placeholder does not need to pass in the corresponding variable parameters.
  • n - Indicates that a null is filled in at this position. This placeholder does not need to pass in the corresponding variable parameters.
  • s - Indicates that the variable parameter part is passed in a char * type string, such as "Hello".
  • S - Indicates that the variable parameter part is passed in a mln_string_t * type string.
  • 'c' - Indicates that the variable parameter part is passed in a struct mln_json_call_attr * type structure. This structure contains two members callback and data. The meaning is: the value at this position is parsed by the function callback with user-defined data.


  1. Only the above format symbols can appear in fmt, and there cannot be any other types of symbols such as spaces, tabs, or enters.
  2. After successfully executing this function, the variable parameter corresponding to the format symbol j cannot be released, i.e. mln_json_destroy or mln_json_reset.

For example:

mln_json_generate(&j, "[{s:d,s:d,s:{s:d}},d]", "a", 1, "b", 3, "c", "d", 4, 5);
mln_string_t *res = mln_json_encode(&j);

// The result is: [{"b":3,"c":{"d":4},"a":1},5]

Return value:

  • 0 - on success
  • -1 - on failure


int mln_json_object_iterate(mln_json_t *j, mln_json_object_iterator_t it, void *data);

typedef int (*mln_json_object_iterator_t)(mln_json_t * /*key*/, mln_json_t * /*val*/, void *);

Description: Traverse each key-value pair in object j, and use it to process the key-value pair. data is user-defined data, which will be processed when it is called. and passed in.

Return value

  • 0 - on success
  • -1 - on failure


mln_json_array_iterate(j, it, data);

typedef int (*mln_json_array_iterator_t)(mln_json_t *, void *);

Description: Traverse each element in the array j, and use it to process the array elements. data is user-defined data, which will be passed in when it is called.

Return value

  • 0 - Success
  • non-zero - Failed or other meaning. Any non-zero value returned by it will interrupt the traversal of the array


Example 1

#include <stdio.h>
#include "mln_string.h"
#include "mln_json.h"

static int callback(mln_json_t *j, void *data)
    mln_json_number_init(j, *(int *)data);
    return 0;

static int handler(mln_json_t *j, void *data)
    mln_json_dump(j, 0, "");
    return 0;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    mln_json_t j, k;
    struct mln_json_call_attr ca;
    mln_string_t *res, exp = mln_string("protocols.0");
    mln_string_t tmp = mln_string("{\"paths\":[\"/mock\"],\"methods\":null,\"sources\":null,\"destinations\":null,\"name\":\"example_route\",\"headers\":null,\"hosts\":null,\"preserve_host\":false,\"regex_priority\":0,\"snis\":null,\"https_redirect_status_code\":426,\"tags\":null,\"protocols\":[\"http\",\"https\"],\"path_handling\":\"v0\",\"id\":\"52d58293-ae25-4c69-acc8-6dd729718a61\",\"updated_at\":1661345592,\"service\":{\"id\":\"c1e98b2b-6e77-476c-82ca-a5f1fb877e07\"},\"response_buffering\":true,\"strip_path\":true,\"request_buffering\":true,\"created_at\":1661345592}");

    if (mln_json_decode(&tmp, &j) < 0) { //Decode the string and generate the node of mln_json_t
        fprintf(stderr, "decode error\n");
        return -1;

    mln_json_parse(&j, &exp, handler, NULL); //Get the first element of the array whose key is protocols in the JSON and hand it to the handler for processing

    //Fill in user-defined data parsing structure
    ca.callback = callback;
    ca.data = &i;
    //Generate JSON structure using format characters
    mln_json_init(&k);//Uninitialized json variables must be initialized before mln_json_generate
    if (mln_json_generate(&k, "[{s:d,s:d,s:{s:d}},d,[],j,c]", "a", 1, "b", 3, "c", "d", 4, 5, &j, &ca) < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "generate failed\n");
        return -1;
    mln_json_generate(&k, "[s,d]", "g", 99);//These two elements will be added to the k array
    res = mln_json_encode(&k); //Generate corresponding JSON string for the generated structure

    mln_json_destroy(&k); //Note, do not release j here, because k will release the memory in j

    if (res == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "encode failed\n");
        return -1;
    write(STDOUT_FILENO, res->data, res->len);
    write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\n", 1);

    return 0;

The output of this example:

 type:string val:[http]

The first line is the output of mln_dump called in handler. The second line is the JSON string encoded by mln_json_encode.

Example 2

#include "mln_json.h"
#include "mln_log.h"

static int obj_iterator(mln_json_t *k, mln_json_t *v, void *data)
    mln_string_t *s = mln_json_string_data_get(k);
    int i = (int)mln_json_number_data_get(v);
    mln_log(none, "%S: %d\n", s, i);
    return 0;

static int array_iterator(mln_json_t *j, void *data)
    return mln_json_object_iterate(j, obj_iterator, data);

static int handler(mln_json_t *j, void *data)
    return mln_json_array_iterate(j, array_iterator, data);

static void parse(mln_string_t *p)
    mln_json_t j;
    mln_string_t exp = mln_string("resolutions");
    mln_json_decode(p, &j);
    mln_json_parse(&j, &exp, handler, NULL);

int main(void)
    mln_string_t p = mln_string("{\"name\":\"Awesome 4K\",\"resolutions\":[{\"width\":1280,\"height\":720}]}");
    return 0;

The running result is:

width: 1280
height: 720

results matching ""

    No results matching ""